Award Training at 13th Beach SLSC
Surf Life Svaing offers a diverse range of pathways, with awards in aquatic rescue, first aid, powercraft operations and emergency management. At 13th Beach SLSC we run an annual 'Bronze Medallion' and 'Surf Rescue Certificate' course that aims to give candidates the base skillset to start patrolling the beach. Where volunteer resources allow, we also offer an Inflatable Rescue Boat course and nationally accredited First Aid qualifications.
Courses are listed on the LSV Member Training Portal
Bronze Medallion and Surf Rescue Certificate Camp 2024
This year, the club will be offering a day-camp for Bronze Medallion and Surf Rescue Certificate candidates to complete their awards as well as participate in a range of social and team-building activities.
Skills Maintenance/Requalification
To remain eligible to patrol and compete, members must requalify their awards yearly at a Skills Maintenance session, at the start of the season. All awards expire on 31 December,
Sessions are available at all clubs across Victoria and does not have to be completed at 13th Beach. To view available sessions, please head to the LSV Member Training Portal.
IMPORTANT: Candidates for new awards and skills maintenance MUST register through their own account and not a parent.